PLEASE NOTE: If you have arrived at this page without first registering for Grandmaster’s Workshops, please do so now before reserving workshop attendance. Thank you!

Thank you for registering for a Charlottesville T’ai Chi workshop with Grandmaster Wang Fu Lai.  Because Grandmaster Wang is such a highly respected martial artist, and because he comes all the way from Taiwan to offer workshops, we all need to show respect to him through our actions.  To help with this goal, here are some guidelines for the workshops. Please review these guidelines carefully, then select and pay for your workshop sessions and lunches using the booking tool further down this page. You will not be considered fully registered until you have paid for your selected workshops.


Wear modest loose-fitting clothes that allow you to move comfortably and cover your legs and shoulders.  Shorts, tights, sports bras or tank tops are not appropriate.  Please remove any jewelry.


  • Arrive 15 minutes before the start time of the workshop.

  • Silence your cell phones and other devices.

  • Stand and bow when Grandmaster Wang enters the room.

  • Avoid turning your back or showing the soles of your feet to Grandmaster Wang.

  • Please do not take notes while Grandmaster is speaking. Only take notes during breaks.

Asking Questions

  • Grandmaster Wang loves to answer questions about the forms at workshops, but please keep in mind that all questions need to be translated from English into Mandarin.

  • Questions should be about the movements or postures in the forms.

  • Avoid asking about philosophy or spirituality.  These are often hard to translate.

  • Do not ask about making video recordings.

  • It is best to avoid “why” questions or using the word “you”.  Both of these constructions can seem impolite.

  • Don’t ask questions of other students or teachers during the workshop.  

How to get the most out of a workshop

  • Watch and closely observe Grandmaster Wang.  

  • Take notes during the breaks while you rest and hydrate.

  • Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard.

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact the registrar at or (434) 214-0868

Thank you,

CTCC Workshop Team


Please remember to LOG IN below if you have an Acuity booking account. If you do not have an account, be sure to save the "New Appointment" emails as a reminder of the sessions you have booked.

You must pay for each session separately.  Click on the green "Book" button, click on "Spots Left", then click on "Select and Continue" and proceed through payment. 

Use the "Schedule another appointment" button that appears after your payment is completed to return to the booking page to choose another session or to pay for lunch.