Master Hiromi’s Path to Founding CTCC
Master Hiromi Hangai Johnson is the Founder and Director of Charlottesville T'ai Chi Center, an award-winning nonprofit whose mission includes spreading the health benefits of Taiji (T'ai Chi) and related internal martial arts in the wider community. She is an International Cheng Ming Instructor certified in Taiji, Xing Yi (Hsing I), and Ba Gua (Pa Kua). Her teacher, Grandmaster Wang Fu Lai (pictured), is the lineage holder of the International Cheng Ming Association in Taiwan.
Master Hiromi was born in Tokyo, Japan. She started practicing Taiji and Qi Gong (Ch’i Kung) in 1980 to help rehabilitate her knees after surgery, beginning with Eight Pieces of Brocade and the Taiji 24-Step Simplified Form.
From 1988 to 1998 she studied the 99-Step Taiji Quan (T'ai Chi Ch'uan) of the Cheng Ming School under two disciples of Great Grandmaster Wang Shu Jin, who first introduced Taiji Quan and related internal martial arts to Japan in 1952. Master Yutaka Ueda was her first teacher, followed by Master Wang Sheng Zhi. Hiromi practiced with Master Wang until his death, and continued training with Master Ueda until she left Japan. She moved to Charlottesville in 1998.
In 2002 Hiromi was advised to visit Grandmaster Wang Fu Lai in Texas to ask if she could pursue her study of the Cheng Ming forms with him. Grandmaster Wang is the lineage holder of the Cheng Ming School, which is headquartered in Taiwan. Since then she has trained intensively with Grandmaster Wang by traveling to Taiwan and during his visits to Texas and Charlottesville.
Master Hiromi received certification as an International Cheng Ming Instructor for Taiji and Qi Gong in 2008, Xing Yi in 2010, and Ba Gua in 2019. She was inducted as an In-Room student of Grandmaster Wang Fu Lai in October 2019.
Master Hiromi established CTCC as a nonprofit in 2004 as part of her mission to increase awareness of the many health benefits of Taiji and Qi Gong. While directing CTCC, she has also been practicing Japanese Tea Ceremony and Vipassana Meditation. She finds that these practices complement and deepen the practice of internal martial arts.